Tory Cenaj and Ambassador Teuta Sahatqija ‘Welcome & Introduction’ at Converge2Xcelerate | Traders Network Show – Boston, MA
Contributed by: Show Editorial Team
Tory Cenaj, Founder of Converge2Xcelerate and Teuta Sahatqija, Ambassador of Republic of Kosovo at Converge2Xcelerate Conference (Boston, MA)
- 102k views and downloads on ‘Blockchain in Healthcare Today’
- ‘Blockchain in Healthcare Today’ is the first international peer-review journal
- Partners in Digital Health have been endorsed by the American Telemedicine Association
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS: Tory Cenaj, Founder of Converge2Xcelerate and Teuta Sahatqija, Ambassador of Republic of Kosovo
Tory Cenaj – Founder, Converge2Xcelerate: 00:01
Welcome to Converge2Xcelerate 2019. My name is Tory Cenaj, founder of Partners of digital health and publisher of conference host journals, blockchain in healthcare today and telehealth in medicine today. Our portfolio identify season two sectors as driving the future of global health access and affordability. Thank you for coming this morning. As community stakeholders, enriching the lives of others, our market provides comfort and cure in a business we call. Our editorial missions assist, building a credible audient work that validates use adoption and scale of blockchain in telehealth in value-based care rating, peer reviewed multi-disciplinary and partners. The SAS Hunter are actually out of Pitt and he sets on the visual here. Bring us all up to speed and on the same page and the most support and I will point out to you 102,000 views and downloads for blockchain and healthcare today. A really recently launched peer review publication exclusively dedicated to blockchain in healthcare. It is the first international peer reviewed journal worldwide. Thank you. The other is we have now approximately 76 citations and we just lost our flight.
Tory Cenaj – Founder, Converge2Xcelerate: 02:47
76 citations. We have an internationally claimed editorial board and we are also having technical difficulties. The ATA, the American telemedicine association has endorsed both the journals a blockchain in healthcare today and telehealth. The medicine today. You will see that will go on the homepage of both journals. We are also working in collaborating with the hands and pains, blockchain task force. Thank you hands and the connected care team for having us here today collaborating with us and the IEEE standards association as well. There is a new IP that was just announced earlier this month on the harmonization of technology and remote clinical trials and we are working with that group in that work stream. Well I would actually like for board members here today, would board members raise their hands, those in the audience. Thank you.
Tory Cenaj – Founder, Converge2Xcelerate: 04:11
These notable global experts and leaders believe in our editorial mission, market and community purpose and give their time to build a product that benefits the healthcare community. Thank you board members, honestly for your expertise and selfless volunteerism. We are here today to prove how your innovation in this health technology revolution is advancing economies, public policy and debate where our health data will soon be earned and share on a global scale. I asked you to ask yourselves what role purpose driven and social impact humanizing technology and consumer and provider empowerment may bring into your businesses and business models keep value at the core of policy and systems initiatives, educating patients to be better purveyors of their own health and created an ecosystem where they become shareholders at homes, creating models that transform toward unity and equity alleviating cost and votes. You each have an opportunity today not only to share knowledge or to converge to advance the ultimate borderless expansion of healthcare.
Tory Cenaj – Founder, Converge2Xcelerate: 06:12
This is your opportunity to change care around the globe. You must champion the arduous task of action, the courage to change. You embrace transparency, social like and they’re the risks investment in where else me must satisfy and leave out. It’s workforce. How consumers as shareholders you ask. How healthcare today show the world the heart of United States healthcare and innovation. I come to this finding it in the spirit. I’m assuming some of them working on these slides, you know, cause we have a whole day presentations in the spirit of generosity and global Goodwill. We’re featuring two charities today participating in Conv2x, United Hatzalah is a rural Israeli based charity that save lives. And I’ll just three minutes co-founders have led United Hatzalahs 5,000 trained volunteer medics answering 1500 emergency halls. Are they saving 200 lives a day and is the Everest one to all except the mile is now being adopted around the world, including to Highlands in the United States in jurors. You will hear more about those pilots and you had an ask those adverts from Joe crystal who is a United absences later today. This second charity is the Boston Debate League, quite near and dear to us located in Boston. The Boston debate league uses the power of editor and space debate should be a transformative learning experience for students. Denied educational law programs are tailored to address inequities, creating an inclusive learning community where all are welcome and young people use thinking and problem solving for informed empowered leadership. Executive director Mike Wassermen, moderating our data privacy debate today and do please connect with Joe or Mike over the course of the day to make a donation. And thanks so very much.
Tory Cenaj – Founder, Converge2Xcelerate: 09:20
I was going to put up a sponsor slide. Imagine that sponsor slide is up on the screen right now and I am going to thank Boehringer Ingelheim Canada. Who I know is here. NASCO. We took a photo earlier. IEEE, Commpro worldwide. iWorker Innovations, PCH Alliance and Connected Health. They’re part of the HIMMS association, Haven health and Traders News Network, the virtual care consultant, zoom in all our friends. Thank you so very much. We will begin our day now and I will introduce our first guest special guest this morning. Her name is Teuta. Sahatqija, councilor general of the European Republic of Kosovo in New York city. Ambassador Sahatqija was a member of the parliament representing the democratic Kosovo. And so as chairman of the parliamentary committee on European integration. During her tenure at parliament, she served as a vice chair of a parliamentary caucus of the democratic leader of Kosovo, president of the bi-partisan women’s parliamentary caucus and first vice chair of the parliamentary committee on economic development.
Tory Cenaj – Founder, Converge2Xcelerate: 10:56
She was an entrepreneur and launching a Telecom business after working as a maintenance engineer and software programmer. And then tech style company in Kosovo, she holds a master of science and electronic engineering from the university. Appreciate that in Kosovo also earlier this year, she led a derogation of us businesses to build innovation and investment between the US and Kosovo, of which I was an honored member. My family is from Kosovo and the reason I can pronounce her name is because of I speak Albainian and have committed my company partners in digital health along with collaborators from MUSC telehealth center of excellence and Cromford health to help launch educational and innovation efforts to assist Kosovo in a we invigorated affordable health system using telehealth and blockchain. It is my honor to introduce a woman that many in Kosovo admire for her courage and curiosity, leadership, daring and caring. Please welcome ambassador Sahatqija.
Teuta Sahatqija – Ambassador & Head of Mission Consulate General, Republic of Kosovo: 12:33
Wow. Thanks a lot. Thank you for your kind words and thank you for becoming a part of Kosovo health and Kosovo businesses. Ladies and gentleman, I’m very honored to be today here with you and have possibility to tell you a little bit about my country and to have possibility to listen to your presentations. Hoping to link some few with Kosovo as story is already present up there. So I think you’ll have to ask her whether to come or not. I have three years here as ambassador. I’ve head Kosovo admission in New York and when I mentioned possible, I have to get her image assets. Where was Kosovo? Some of them don’t know across the ways. Some of them remember Kosovo from the war. Know I tried to tell them that’s when countries are tightening country. The youngest it is, it’s always some part of Europe near Macedonia. So we are someone that also does it. Think about when I said somewhere we recently because I was reminded I was changed a lot, but this Kosovo cannot or emotion without mentioning that we pass during the 90s from 1989 till the beginning of the war of 1999 Kosovo was passing or very difficult time through a time of our budget where the majority of population, 90% of population or weekly or kicked out of schools or education system, alphabetical system.
Teuta Sahatqija – Ambassador & Head of Mission Consulate General, Republic of Kosovo: 14:38
And doctors and nurses are very short die became jobs. In 1999 when the war was over, the medical facilities were devastated and equipment was taken away. So after the liberation or I cannot not mention America and edge each and ever my speech because I do think progressive forces will help liberation of Kosovo. You’re giving us chance to be alive. 20 years ago I was a refugee with my four little children, four to down the river and the mountains in today 20 years ago representing my country and speaking from the few where the and the possibility, to. improve Kosovo today cause of these a developing country. It is nothing you can look for country. It is a country that you, the checks, the gift that she has to be alive gave the chance to give the added value to the world sport, to the world, education to the world help immediately after the war, there were some good decisions to be made in Kosovo. There was a decision to break the devastated infrastructure to bring the internet.
Teuta Sahatqija – Ambassador & Head of Mission Consulate General, Republic of Kosovo: 16:16
So the cities that was not connected to each other. Started to be connected to the internet dishes immediately out of that, the Academy, Cisco Academy rule together if you have the people to learn about it. Today Kosovo, is the first country in the world or capita having the biggest number of score, educated and certified. You want more through known certifications. Kosovo is a country where half the population is younger than 30 years old is a country or speaking of the four, five, six languages, it is not making you something very special. I speak only six and there are a officers, because it was a country where English and German are very wondrous. Look where internet and businesses who I’m working with internet and giving the work to European market and starting in the American market are growing and becoming very strong. So how could they help? I think today linking internet and leaking every other thing, he’s not like more things to be mentioned. It is not imaginable anymore to live isolated. Everything is interlinked with each other, a Mark, a country, but also all over the world. In Kosovo after ‘99 the health system was pretty settled in devastated. In 2002, there was the initiative of international ritual EU hospitals to create the Kosovo Center of Telemedicine.
Teuta Sahatqija – Ambassador & Head of Mission Consulate General, Republic of Kosovo: 18:16
It immediately connected to six centers and through that telemedicine center we all did. They connected to the whole world. We already more than 63 universities and medical centers in 20 countries. There are around 640 broadcasts, educational entities. There are more than 150 lectures and more than 3,000 patients who are treated per year. How many the elements that their medicine is better in Kosovo. In fact, the day written a lot of associations, a lot of universities as is the geologies medical professional chemotherapists blood transfusion center for continuing nursing education of all of menstrual health. Easy to the problem, how the Gable medical but many, many other who are linked with Kosovo.
Teuta Sahatqija – Ambassador & Head of Mission Consulate General, Republic of Kosovo: 19:31
The next step needed to be made in Kosovo in fact is going to the mass level and bringing block hain and through the next steps. And I’m very thankful to Tory that was a bottle for the business allegation with game two possible. And today we have also the blockchain and telemedicine in Kosovo to link with all of our professionals and broader services in telemedince have designed a possible cause Kosovo with Armenian donors. The center, since we speak the same language, I mean it’s easier to communicate and knowing the English language and other languages. We already do. Many research centers and universities that have Kosovo, I want to conclude this.
Teuta Sahatqija – Ambassador & Head of Mission Consulate General, Republic of Kosovo: 20:30
Kosovo is a good part of the world. We are there to come with your businesses to come with your organizations. It’s a very Western and pro American country is a country where your business the region with Robyn all over the world thanking very good infrastructure. Kosovo gives more than it takes, 80% of its territory. And it’s families are into internet making it far best in the region and not comparable, even more better than many of European countries. So I would be glad to welcome you to the next mission of businesses and organizations to bring you to Kosovo. Thank you for having me here. I was honored to be here and I wish you a success.
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