Mohammed Omran Executive Chairman for The Egyptian Stock Exchange Interview with David Nelson at UNCTAD Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative | Traders Network Show – NYSE
Contributed by: Show Editorial Team
Dr. Mohammed Omran, Executive Chairman for The Egyptian Stock Exchange interview with David Nelson at Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative (NYSE)
- June 2012, EGX became a founding member of U.N. SSE
- Egyptian Exchange compromises 2. Exchanges, Cairo & Alexandria
- SSE Stock Exchange member leading change by example
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS: Mohammed Omran, Executive Chairman for The Egyptian Stock Exchange and David Nelson
David Nelson – Show Host, Traders Network Show: 00:00
Hello, I’m David Nelson for the Traders Network broadcasting worldwide from the New York Stock Exchange for iHeartRadio and We’re here for an event being hosted by the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative. And my next guest is Dr. Mohammed Omran, chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange. Doctor, welcome. Thanks so much for being with us today. Doctor, you know, I read your resume last night. It’s pretty impressive. You know, I could spend 10 minutes on it your accomplishments, but not only you are you the chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange, but you’re also a professor of finance at the ARB Academy. Am I right on that? How did you manage to find the time and accomplish so much in your work?
Dr. Mohammed Omran – Executive Chairman, The Egyptian Stock Exchange: 00:41
I mean, it’s a while. I’m a professor of the ARB Academy. I’m on leave actually, so I’m just executing one job as a chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange. But let me tell you something, when my term is over, I’m going back again to the academia. There’s too much pressure job actually.
David Nelson – Show Host, Traders Network Show: 00:56
Did you find too much pressure from the conference today? Did you happen to learn a lot?
Dr. Mohammed Omran – Executive Chairman, The Egyptian Stock Exchange: 00:59
No. The conference today is very relaxing. We’re talking about the Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative in which Egypt was a founding member. Actually we have only five subjects that happened in Rio Janeiro in Brazil in 2012. That was the Egyptian Stock Exchange, Istanbul Stock Exchange, I guess NASDAQ Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange. So Egypt is a founding member.
David Nelson – Show Host, Traders Network Show: 01:24
Founding member right now. How are you making out with the members of the exchange right now? Are many of them, you know, starting to invest and start to, you know, move their businesses toward the SDG the sustainable development goal?
Dr. Mohammed Omran – Executive Chairman, The Egyptian Stock Exchange: 01:39
Right, that’s correct. I mean, remember that several years ago we have, as the Egyptian Exchange, something called ESG index, which is the environmental, social and governance index and the reality that every stock exchange you would like to be a model to show to the list of companies. The issue, the related to sustainability, sustainability in terms of the equality in June does is I think it’s related to more disclosure, more transparency. So before we’re asking our listed companies to follow our model, we have to be able to ask this why you can find many more and more stock exchanges are joining this initiative now.
David Nelson – Show Host, Traders Network Show: 02:12
Let me bring it back to today’s event. You know, how does the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative and its activities perhaps over the next couple of years, how will it integrate with your exchange?
Dr. Mohammed Omran – Executive Chairman, The Egyptian Stock Exchange: 02:22
I mean, it’s a very important issue because now we understand that the United Nations has the Sustainable Development Goals. And if you look to the Sustainable Development Goals, we have 17 goals and 169 targets actually in which is a third world would like to achieve in the next 15-20 years. And if you look here, we have like a very quick summary about how the structures can contribute to this, the global initiative with the United Nation. I guess we are at the Egyptian Exchange this year. Our model, we have been chosen by the United Nation and to have a conference 25th of October just coming October and we’re trying to teach our listed companies how to implement the system sustainability in their report, how to contribute more to the corporate social responsibility, how to having an impact on the overall GDP growth rate of the economy.
David Nelson – Show Host, Traders Network Show: 03:16
It’s obvious that you and the exchanger are very far along the goal. So we only have a couple of minutes and I’d like to wrap it up. You know, do you have anything you’d like to say to the United Nations and the Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative because they’re about to set forth that and launched the sustainable development goals. So anything you’d like to say to them?
Dr. Mohammed Omran – Executive Chairman, The Egyptian Stock Exchange: 03:32
Yeah, very important. The issue is that we should not limit the discussion and the meeting to the only to the official representatives for the soccer change for the official government. But also we have to have hand on hand, shoulder by shoulder, the private sector, civil society and business committee.
David Nelson – Show Host, Traders Network Show: 03:53
Doctor well said, thank you so much for being with us. That was Dr. Mohammad Omran from the Egyptian Stock Exchange. By the way, a quick thank you goes out to 1-800-Publicrelations for all the PR and media support. Thanks for joining. I’m David Nelson.
PR and Media By: CommPro Worldwide
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