Maria Palombini Director from IEEE-SA Exclusive Interview with Matt Bird at Converge2Xcelerate | Traders Network Show – Boston, MA
Contributed by: Show Editorial Team
Maria Palombini, Director, Communities & initiatives development, Emerging tech at IEEE-SA with Matt Bird at Converge2Xcelerate Conference (Boston, MA)
- IEEE-SA is a leading consensus building organization that nurtures, develops, & advances global technology
- Global telehealth market expected to reach$16.8 billion by 2024
- Maria is leading a 1 hour workshop on digitalization of clinical trials
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS: Maria Palombini, Director, Communities & initiatives development, Emerging tech at IEEE-SA interview with Matt Bird
Matt Bird – Host, Traders Network Show: 00:00
We’re back and we’re here with Maria Palombini from the IEEE. Maria, you’ve got a panel coming up in a few minutes. Do you want to tell us a little about what you’re going to be talking about?
Maria Palombini – Communities & Initiative Development, IEEE-SA: 00:10
So we’re going to do a one hour workshop on the concept of digitalization of clinical trials. And what we’re really trying to look at is how we can digitalize the entire trial from study design through endpoint validation.
Matt Bird – Host, Traders Network Show: 00:22
Why is it important for IEEE?
Maria Palombini – Communities & Initiative Development, IEEE-SA: 00:24
So actually our mission is advancing technology for humanity and through the digitalization of clinical trials process, we want to see one, how we can make trials more inclusive, meaning patient recruitment is more inclusive, to more efficient so that we can actually accelerate drug development, getting faster through approval, through FDA submissions, data integrity, all the things that will hopefully enhance patient outcomes.
Matt Bird – Host, Traders Network Show: 00:46
Now IEEE attends a number of thought leadership events of the Conv2X. This is obviously one of many. I know you guys were at the Vatican with your coworker and tell us what’s important about this event. What do you expect to get out of it?
Maria Palombini – Communities & Initiative Development, IEEE-SA: 01:03
So what we like about the Converge2Xcelerate Conference is that it presents a very balanced perspective, especially around telemedicine and distributed ledger technologies. So we’re not all about the hype. We want to see how people are using these technologies responsibly, which is why my colleague was at the Vatican and we talk about responsible use of AI. Well we want responsible use of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies because autonomous systems, although great, do present certain challenges in certain areas.
Matt Bird – Host, Traders Network Show: 01:26
I love how you use the systems cause now there’s being a shift in taxonomy or the actual language from artificial intelligence into algorithms.
Maria Palombini – Communities & Initiative Development, IEEE-SA: 01:33
Yes. So what we, you know, artificial intelligence is, you know, a nice catchy name. But what are we really talking about, right? When we talk about mathematical algorithms, we’re talking about things running autonomously. And so what we really trying to say is this is great when it’s done right and responsibly. So this is the work that we do at the IEEE-SA is we want to work with global educators, people who believe in the same thought process and we’re hoping to develop younger engineers to think responsibly when we’re looking at development of all these autonomous systems.
Matt Bird – Host, Traders Network Show: 02:01
I love it and I wish you all success. Thanks so much for coming out. Good luck on the panel. Thank you so much. We’ll be right back with our next guest.
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